Friday, February 24, 2017

Why treating inflammation at its source is the first thing to start with


Now take for example, Hypothyroidism, the onset of Hypothyroidism is preceded by lots of symptoms as mentioned which include irritability for no reason, moody, angry, weepy, heavy periods, low sex drive, gaining or losing weight, hair fall and many more, which an average person will not even come to know of it, getting angry and irritable and this is a cause of many a break ups, why because both the patient and the spouse were not aware of the symptoms and chemical reactions that happens when your thyroid does not function properly, it could be due to many factor, it could be due to auto immune condition but the fact remains that these are normally ignored due to lack of knowledge and awareness.  Some people even go to the extent of removing the thyroid without knowing that your body is just giving you a symptom through the thyroid that something is wrong but you on the expert suggestion of your doctor, just remove the thyroid, thus making you dependent on thyroid medicine for your entire life.

You should be aware that chronic inflammation to different parts of your body causes different disease.

Inflammation of your thyroid glands causes thyroiditis
Inflammation of your kidney causes high blood pressure or kidney failure
Inflammation of your large intestine causes cramps, diarrhea and later on other non-curable diseases
Inflammation of your lungs causes Pneumonia and various other non-curable disease
Inflammation of your skin causes Psoriases
Also, chronic inflammation is the cause of DNA damage and thus mutation and leads to cancer, gives rise to a variety of modern day disease unknown to humankind in the pre historic era.

Believe it or not, one of the contributing factor to all the above is Greed, greed and only greed.

Why treating inflammation at its source is the first thing to start with, if you need to cure even cancer

Like I mentioned, if you want to reduce or treat inflammation or even any auto immune disease, it is inevitable that you change your lifestyle whatever anyone may say, it may be an authority like the FDA or any top health authority who may say that their research has not come to a conclusion that lifestyle change has shown to cure the symptoms or disease.  If you cannot do this basic and important life style change and continue with it till your symptoms associated with the auto immune disease is not reduced then not even the best medicine can help you alleviate your sufferings.

What you need to understand is that if your immune system mistakenly triggers a chronic inflammation response process , this is the start of many a conditions like asthma, allergies, and then to autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer and various other disease, depending on which organ is inflamed.

Inflammation is a normal process and a human being needs some level of inflammation in the body to stay healthy but too much is not good for a healthy body and chronic inflammation ultimately leads to  autoimmune condition and one of the main cause is eating of unhealthy food & wrong combination of food for years and years. Most of us do not understand this or are not ready to accept this as the cause of our misery for the entire life afterwards.   Most of the people with autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto, Celiac Disease, Psoriasis and many others come to know that they are down with autoimmune conditions only when all the diagnostics tests are conducted by the doctors and then communicated to them but by then it has become a non-reversible disease as per the modern doctor.  You need to be aware that our body is so capable that it starts giving out the symptoms that something is wrong sometimes even months and years before you go to the doctor for that particular illness, take for instance Hypothyroidism, those of you with hypothyroidism will know this symptoms well.  Symptoms of hypothyroidism could include hair fall, cold intolerance, getting angry unnecessarily, weight gain, etc.


Natural way of reducing inflammation, you need to go for this, irrespective of the outcome - 1


Healthy Weight: Another way to reduce inflammation is keeping your weight under control, not being overweight, being overweight will result in far greater production of inflammatory chemicals in your body.  If you base your diet on the diet mentioned in earlier episode, you will find it easier to maintain weight.  You need to ensure that you eat only that much that is required by your body, eat when you are hungry, not go on gorging on food as and when you see it, not eating in between lunch and dinner, eating slowly, chewing your food properly, ensure that you are not stressed out since stress takes a toll on health and is one of the cause for inflammation.

Clean up your Bowel: The main source of toxicity entering your bloodstream is via a toxic bowel.  This is especially true if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut syndrome or you are taking any medicines for any illness.  The microbes living inside us and on us outnumber our human cells in the ration of 10 is to 1, and the majority of these bugs live in our bowel.  If your bowel is sluggish, you would benefit from Colon Detox capsules, note that these are only temporary measures but this will help to get things moving and clean your colon of long standing residual waste but I would also advise you to go and meet a doctor who can guide you since if you are having pain in stomach/intestinal issues even which you are not aware of, taking Colon Detox capsules will aggravate the situation.  Intestinal Parasite Cleanse capsules are also helpful for those people suffering with bloating, gas and burping, as they help to get rid of bugs producing the gases.

Good Sleep: Sleep is one of the important and natural way to reduce inflammation.  You need to go to sleep well before 10.00 pm.  When I say good sleep, most people does not know what good sleep is.  Good sleep means that after you wake up, you have to feel fresh and positive in the morning to take up the challenges of that day.  When you sleep you should sleep like a log and only wake up in the morning.  Most of the people will inflammation not be having such deep sleep, those with thyroid disorder will notice that they are easily awakened at night suddenly when light is switch on, this is not sound sleep, this means that there is some issue which you will have to sort out to get a good and deep sleep.  If your sleep quality is poor then it is high time that you go and see a doctor though in my experience the doctors might also give you only medicine to cure your symptoms, the cause is what needs to be researched and cured.

Having too much inflammation in your body is a significant risk factor for almost all of the modern day incurable health problems and if you are not aware of the symptoms of inflammation then it is high time you need to be.