Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Coming of age - finding of cause for illness and disease, be it common cold or cancer

In ancient Egypt, people started realizing the influence of environment for the cause of the illness, particularly the great River Nile.  The Nile was the best source of water for drinking, cooking and washing but it also harbored parasites and other water borne parasites that was not at all beneficial to humankind.  Egyptians used to wade through the water, particularly in the agricultural irrigation channels, and parasites such as Schistosoma worm would enter human host, via the feet or legs, to lay eggs in the bloodstream.  These worms would cause a lot of damage by their travel through various internal organs, making sufferers weak and susceptible to many other diseases for which the Egyptian did not even know what it was, let alone the treatment for the same, but treated they were, with all sorts of trail and errors and which was the only option at that time.  Sometimes ancient Egyptians used to unknowingly take in the guinea worms in their drinking water which went undetected into their body, these female guinea work would travel to its preferred site, the host’s leg, in order to lay her eggs and causing ill health.

In spite of having a wide variety and range of foodstuffs, cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk and meat produced, not everybody in Egypt had adequate nutrition which is one of the reason for falling ill.  There have been evidence from bodies of ancient Egyptians that were retrieved from their graves that some people suffered from nutritional deficiencies.  Flies, dirt and sand particles may also have caused infections of the eyes and lungs.  Many Egyptians wore eye paint at that time which may have been attempt to ward of eye infections, it was discovered that the green eye paint containing malachite had medicinal properties and these were the discoveries made, based on the excavation of the Egyptian mummies.

In has been proved that some conditions or illness do leave evidence of their existence on bones, Anaemia, often a consequence of iron deficiency during childhood as is widely believed, leaves markers on the roofs of the eye sockets or on the top of the skull in the form of small holes, and these were frequently seen in the Egyptian skulls.    Iron deficiency can be caused by various other insufficiency in the body or chemical reaction.   In ancient Egypt, one of the reason for iron deficiency could have been caused by infestation of bloodsucking parasites, such as hookworms, or people who are eating diet which has very low iron content. 


Ayurveda, an ancient Indian science of healing, has an interesting theory on disease and believe it or not, it is correct.  It believes that all disease happens because the elements that make up our body go out of balance.  For instance, the common cold strikes when the body’s “Agni” or “digestive fire” is dampened, and what causes the “Agni” to be dampened, it is the cold weather itself.  Yes, when the temperature outside dips and with it your immunity also takes a dip.  This is what happens, the dimmed fires inside the body then fails to burn body toxins or “Ama” completely and consequent to that the “Ama” or toxin accumulates, clogging the micro channels of the body and generating “phlegm.”  Phlegm or “Kalpha” combined with toxins or “Ama” makes, mucus and the final outcome is ‘Common Cold”

Discoveries of new theories for illness and disease - 1 - Is cancer or for that matter any other illness cureable

How we understand illness and disease based on nature and the gods is still disputed but continued to complement one another into the Middle Ages.  In Christianity the marks and symptoms of illness and disease was seen as divine punishment, corresponding illness was attributed to each of the seven deadly sins. It was common for individuals to examine their moral conduct to determine how they had brought illness and disease upon themselves, and a priest as well as a healer would have been consulted, too often one man fulfilled the two roles.  At the same time, the growth of medicine depended on the corresponding emergence and spread of organized religions.  Christianity taught that the physical body had been corrupted after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, and also that the body belonged to God and had to be properly looked after.

In the 6th century BC, Susruta, the founding father of Indian medicine, established a tradition later enshrined in a classic test, the Susrutasamhita.  He identified 1120 diseases and listed down 760 medicinal drugs and stated that Surgeon’s equipment that is needed for surgery of any kind has top 20 sharp instruments which included knives, scissors, saws and needles and 101 blunt one such as forceps, tubes, levers, hooks and probes.  His explanation of how to rebuild a patient’s nose gave him the status of the first plastic surgeon.  This was one of the important operations that was done in ancient India.  At that time, in India, amputation of the nose was also a punishment for adultery.    One needs to understand here is that both the theory in effect worked to the astonishment of all around them, could be both the theory was based on one understanding of human body.

Cancer is the word that mankind abhors when going for a diagnoses which they know that will make their life take a U turn.  The origin of cancer has been a topic of debate by the medical fraternity, pharmaceutical industries and the other side whom we can call the patients.  The earliest reference to the disease cancer is attributed to Egyptian physicians who lived around 2600 BC but most of the ancient texts begs to differ on the precise origins of cancer and anatomically accurate descriptions of the malignant tumors, according to them didn’t appear until the very late 18th century and that it is likely reason that cancer is a relative newcomer in the historical records of disease is that it mostly commonly afflicts those 55 and older in those period.  As much as the medical and pharmaceutical industry would want us to believe that civilization did not cause cancer, all the proof goes against it since evidence for cancer has always been elusive in the fossil records all over the world.