Sunday, March 19, 2017

Life style changes is first to change and then others to cure CANCER – Mobile Phones

Safe usage of Cell Phone(cont’d): The dangers of using cell phones are many, even though the issuing authority, regulating authority and the manufacturers and distributers of the cell services will want to make you believe that there is no such thing as cell phone radiation and even if it is there it is minimal to do any damage.  It’s a fact that most of the people realize it too late and then too they do not have an inkling that one of the cause of their dreadful incurable disease and even cancer, one cause can be directly attributed to cell phone radiation but in this modern times, no doctors are able to exactly point out the cause of an incurable disease, so you have to come to a conclusion as to what could be the cause and remove all the causes that you think is the cause for your incurable autoimmune disease or cancer.  Research and Studies have shown that long term harmful effects of cell phone radiation and the RF waves emitted from mobile or cell phones can cause.

Raised blood pressure due to continuous use, pressure return to normal when not using;
Effects brain during use, which too disperses as soon as you stop using your phone but continuous use is harmful to the brain;
Memory impairments;
Tumors and Cancers after prolong continuous use;
Fatigue after prolong use;
Foetal damage;

Excessive exposure to RF waves causes heat generation, so common sense dictates that all precautions mentioned in previous episode should be taken when using cell phones.


Life style changes is first to change and then others to cure CANCER – Microwave & Mobile Phones

Safe usage of Cell Phone: Cell phones emit radiation energy in the form of radio waves and tissues of our body closest to the phone can absorb this energy and in susceptible human beings or with poor health this can change the way the cells respond and thus cause more health issues, particularly when you have been using the phone continuously during the day for more than 2 to 3 hour per day.  I have come across many cases where continuously usage of facebook or other chats messaging during the date have cause tingling sensation on the fingers of the persons who have been using mobile phones continuously for more than 2 to 3 hours or more per day, and the fact is that none of them attribute it to mobile usage and are not even aware that excessive mobile usage can create health issues and irreparable damage to the cells behavior so it is natural that excessive usage of mobile phones has its own danger and we should be aware of it.  As it is very difficult to remove mobile phone from our life since it’s a valuable communication tool, the least you can do is to use it safely to ensure the minimum damage to your health by ensuring the following:

Use cell phones for emergency phone calls which you cannot avoid, use landline phones for long duration calls;
Keep cell phones away from babies, children and pregnant women;
Use mobile phones only when required for communication purpose, not for to use continuously for more than 5 minutes at a stretch;
Never use cordless headphones for cell calls;
Cell phones to be kept at a safe distance from your body when not in use or in use;
Cell phones not to be kept near your head/arm’s length when you are sleeping at any cost;
Never use your cell phone as an alarm clock;
Never keep your cell phone in chest pocket for a long period of time while travelling;
Never keep your cell phone in pant pockets for a long period of time while travelling;
Use the cell phones when the maximum number of bars on the phone which indicates best reception.  When signal quality is poor, your phone emits more radiation;
Do not use your cell phones in enclosed metal spaces like elevators, cars, trains or planes since cells phones draws more power and emit more radiation in enclosed spaces;
Text instead of calling whenever possible.  The farther the phone is way from your body, the better;
Never use radiation shields available in the market since reception will be poor and this will cause  your cell phone to churn out more radiation;

Now you see so many things in today’s modern lifestyle is one or the other cause of your continuous illness or autoimmune disease or even cancer. 
