Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ayurveda cure for PCOD - There is a cure of everything somewhere on this planet earth but you need to believe it then only it can be yours – 1

Gowri Subramanya, an Ayurveda specialist have saved hundreds of women from undergoing uterus removal operations and treated several issueless couples, who have approached her after failure of IVF also.   As per her, the main reason with people who come for any treatment is patience, and that patience is what is required if you want to see results in Ayurveda, people have the wrong conceived noting that if you are taking medicine, be it any medicine it should work fast and cure should also be fast, it is when people come with such wrong notions that the healing fails and that is when they inform their near and dear ones that such alternatives are a failure.  With Ayurveda, it takes years and years to cure and why shouldn’t it, it took years and years to get into a disease stated of auto immune disease and cancer, the cause of which is you, you and you alone.  With Ayurveda, the root cause of the problems needs to be cured without which permanent cure is not possible but in the process of treatment other issues like leg cramps, varicose veins, frozen shoulders and many others get treated which a patient doesn’t even come to know because their main focus was on curing the main issue whatever it is. 

Most of the women ignore the minor changes that happen to their health but as per the doctor you cannot blame them because they lead a very stressful, hectic modern life that small things escape their attention but Gowri Subramanya says that women who are above 40 should not ignore even minor changes to their health, also should not self medicate and ignorance is also very dangerous and leads to other problems so the best solution is to get it cured at the initial stage.  If a patient comes to such doctor at the initial stage, they can be more benefitted.  Most of the doctors fail in diagnosing the root cause for the disease, if its done properly treating patient is very easy but the important this is that people should first develop faith in the efficacy of the ancient medicines.  There are several instances people with several serious health disorder have got cured by Ayurveda adds Gowri Subramany.

When patients are cured or benefitted they refer others and like I had mentioned in an earlier episode to meet such doctors you need to wait for appointments, I have come across many such doctors to meet whom you have to go in the earlier morning or 1 day prior, wait at their clinic to meet them next day afternoon or evening.  I have observed that there are 1000s of patients to such doctors every day, and if you are lucky to be under such doctor’s care, you need to have patience and follow his/her instructions to benefit.
