Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Introduction to Immune System - 1 - You can get back your health even if it has reached cancer stage

Introduction to Immune System

Before going into the cause of illness and disease, we need to know something about our immune system.  Immune system is an important network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to defend the body against attack by foreign invaders or enemy which are primarily germs which are very tiny, and also infection causing organism such as parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi.  The human body provides an ideal environment for many microbes, and when they are able to break in, due to low immunity, they break into human body through various parts of our body.  It is the Immune systems job to keep these critters out of the body, failing which, if they enter the body, the job of the immune system to seek out and destroy them completely.

Our Immune system is amazingly complex.  It can even recognize and remember millions of different enemies, and it can produce secretions and cells to match up with and wipe out each one of them.  The secret of it’s success is its elaborate and dynamic communications network.  Millions and millions of cells, organized into sets and subsets, gather like clouds of bees swarming around a hive and pass information back and forth.

You need to know that every second of your life, you are under attack from bacteria, viruses, spores and many more live stuff that are foreign and wants to enter your body and use your body’s resources for sustenance and it is the immune system that protects you from all these microscopic invaders without the immune system you would die in no time.  Though this might very simple but what goes on inside the body to protect your is very complex.


You can know whether you immune system is working properly or whether your immune system is strong but answering a simple questions.  Do you get sick quite often?  Do you take sick days off from work quite often? Are you fatigued day in and day out?  Do you have frequent colds and sore throat?  if yes to any of these, then your immune system is weak and trying to cope up with many challenges in the body. 

Cause of common cold - ways to improve immunity of the body as per Ayurved

What happens when the dimmed fire inside the body fails to burn body toxins or “Ama”, the “Ama” accumulates, clogging the micro channels of the body and generating phlegm.  It is clearly proved that “Phlegm” or “Kapha” combined with toxins, or “Ama” makes mucous, and the final outcome is cold, for which you will go running to the doctor.

As per Ayurveda, at such times your body is ripe and ready for any virus attack.  When your immunity is strong, the body does not let virus grow but when the immunity is weak as in the case of dimmed fire inside the body, the body becomes susceptible to virus and bacteria to thrive in that environment.

So you have seen that cause for a simple cold.  Though the route to common cold is as elaborated above but many other factors also contribute to causing a cold which can be old age, immune system not working 100% and many others factors.  Obviously the key point here is to keep the body fires burning bright.  This is easily achieved, if you understand that most of the Ayurveda advice is plain commonsense and logic.

Ayurved Vaidyas may give you a “must dos” and “don’t dos” for the winter immunity but remember that not all body is same, not all body is in the same state of health, hence this rule might not apply to all those patients out there who think that I am doing as per the directions of the Ayurved but still why did I get the cold, so remember not all treatment is same for every other individuals, keeping this in mind, the following to be followed.

During winter, there are some food that you should stay away from if you are prone to cold, it is ice-cream, yogurt, you need to avoid tomatoes, eggplant, bananas, etc.  You need to keep your insides warm with warm spices like cumin included food, black pepper, coriander, cumin, clove are excellent too.  During winter, minimize on cakes and desserts since these require more fire to digest.  Add more yellow spice called the turmeric in your food, this kills “Ama” and builds immunity.  All that you need to add is a quarter teaspoon of turmeric in your veggies and lentils.

Lifestyle – Start your day with two glass of warm water.  Don’t skip meals or overeat, eat fresh, well-cooked food.  Do not fast during winter, fasting weakens body defenses, sleep on time.

Anything is possible, provide you believe it is possible, provided you go to a alternative doctor who knows his job very well.

Let me narrate to you a true story of a couple, the husband had a very low sperm count.  They consulted a Fertility Specialist who said that the husband had a very low count of sperms and if they wanted to have children they will have to use donor sperm, donor embryo, adopt, be childless or the only last option is to do Testicular / Epididymal Sperm Aspiration or Extraction(TESE).

TESE was the newest of the aspiration techniques in testicular sperm retrieval.  In this procedure, a small amount of testis tissue is taken by biopsy under local anesthesia.  It is a breakthrough in that it demonstrates that sperm do not have to be ‘matured’ and pass through the epididymis in order to fertilize an egg, because of their immaturity, testicular sperm needs Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).  Men with poor sperm production go for such procedures.  Though pregnancies are now routine in cases of poor sperm production, but there is some concern with the use of such sperms because in most cases the underlying condition causing the poor sperm production cannot be investigated on case to case basis.  Also, the main worry is that the condition which may be causing the infertility, may be transmitted to the progeny and this worry is in fact a reality as my future blog will put light on these too.

Coming back to the case of the husband and wife mentioned above.  As no other alternative was there and they only wanted a child from their bloodline, they decided to go for the TESE ICSI Option unfortunately the TESE ICSI option failed them.  From the TESE, they were unable to find even one sperm and the couple were back to square one or the other options of donor sperm, donor embryo, adopt or be childless.

Around that time, one of their friends suggested to them about going for Ayurveda medical treatment from a reputed and well known Ayurveda Vaidya (Doctor) and they decided to try out the treatment after assurance that semen count and quality can be improved through Ayurveda medical treatment.  The husband started on the treatment for more than 1 year, he also followed the diet that was restricted for him, he had to follow the diet without fail, then they decided again to go for the ICSI treatment using the husband’s sperm and this time they got successful.  As you can see, they had no hope and Ayurveda was their last hope but in fact it should have been their first hope, if it had been they would have been blessed with their own biological child years ago.  As you can see they chose to believe in Ayurveda against all advice from majority others.  Their choice of that particular Ayurved Vaidya(Doctor) was in their favour and that Vaidya who know what he was doing unlike 95% of those who do not know what they are doing and thus give a bad name to Ayurved Doctors as a whole.  Also note that it took time.  Yes, all illness can be cured provided you have the time, money and the desire to get well. 

So believe it, out there, there are lots of alternative medicine branches which will bring back your health even if it has reached the cancer stage.