Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Medical practices of tribal people evoke mixed reactions but those who persevere succeeds

Human beings needs to go back to the roots for treatment or cure for auto immune disease.  Medical practices of tribal people/alternative around the world evoke mixed reactions, some look upon with it with suspicion, others having gone to alternative and not finding any cure, has only a negative opinion about it without even knowing that in every profession there are those who are expert and those who in spite of being in the trade don’t know anything about the medicine.  Some others dismiss the tribal healers as an illiterate and a superstition lot while others do not want to have to do anything with tribal or alternative healing but what choice does one have if the modern medicine does not save you, do you go in bearing the pain, every day and don’t have a social life just because your modern medicine cannot relieve your sufferings or cure you of your disease.  The answer is no, those who are lucky enough will find treatment and cure for auto immune disease and even cancer provided they deeply want it and would go to any length to get it.

To a public health work, these healers are an obstacle to their work.  Warning against blind belief tribal medicine are also issued from time to time.  However, there are a quite a few who have deep faith in tribal methods of diagnosis, therapeutic practices and pharmacopoeia in various parts of the world.  For them including me this system is more rational and effective like any other form of medicine and better suited for our human body because it does not have any side effects.

Of late, the Government of India and other countries has been striving to preserve tribal medical lore considering their anthropological importance and the faith that at least some have reposed in tribal medicine.  Tribal people have effective herbal medicines for snake bites, fracture, wounds, cuts, auto immune disease and even cancers.  Ayurveda researchers and medicine makers acknowledge their skills in identifying medicinal plants.  With the onset of modern medicine, forest are being erased to make way for development and in the process the rare medicinal plants that have been there for thousands of years are being destroy and Revival of tribal medicine is the most important to be considered now since going forward, with the lifestyle deterioration and plastic foods like china rice, china eggs and use of fertilizers for fast growth of fruits and vegetables to meet the growing demands of the increasing population of human being, is creating havoc in the lives of human being all around the world, hence the more urgency to revival of tribal medicine and to preserve that which are there.