Thursday, July 13, 2017

After doctors gave her three years to live - Bowel Cancer - How Ayurveda reversed it and proof CT scan and laparoscopy has found no trace of the cancer.

Here is another example about healthy lifestyle and Ayurveda can change you from a Cancer/Autoimmune Patient to cure.  There is no scientific proof but still this Lady was able to reverse her bowel cancer.  So only one advise to all those non believers, just education does not make you knowledgeable and just believing on scientific proof does not mean that without proof there is no cure.  Spread this message to your friends and relatives so that they may benefit out of this, there are alternatives which do cure but it is lack of knowledge and information, incorrect lies spread by those who favour conventional medicines and the upbringing that stops us from embracing and trying out alternative that really cures

Spread this message that any human ailment, be it cancer can be alleviated and cured with healthy lifestyle and the correct and proper Ayurveda treatment.  Those who are under treatment in developed countries, most of the time, 95% of the times, are taking treatment from incompetent Ayurveda Doctors, hence google, check, crosscheck, and verify with 100s of people and then chose your Ayurveda doctor and you will not regret.

Patient’s Blog : Roslyn has created a blog about her experience -

Mother, 54, given three years to live after bowel cancer diagnosis travels to India for 'extreme detox' involving daily drinks of COW URINE... and comes back four kilos lighter 'feeling fabulous'


Roslyn McMaster, from Brisbane, travelled to India for 'extreme Ayurvedic detox'
Previously diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer and had chemo and surgery
Embarked on detox to complement conventional medicine and restore her body
Treatment included massage, vomiting therapy, nasal therapy and enemas
Said: 'Vomiting left me 4kgs lighter, but my body feels stronger than before

Following months of gruelling treatment for stage four bowel cancer, a mother-of-three has spoken of her decision to embark on an unusual journey in a bid to fight back.  After doctors gave her three years to live, Brisbane mum, Roslyn McMaster, 54, underwent an 'extreme Ayurvedic detox' in India which included a daily drink of fresh warm, cow's urine to restore her body.  Rosyln had been diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer in 2016 but instead of buckling under the weight of her prognosis, she took a different approach.

Brisbane mum Roslyn McMaster, 54, (pictured second from left) embarked on an 'extreme Ayurvedic detox' in India in a bid to beat bowel cancer
'I wasn't fazed by my prognosis. I just had an inner knowing it wasn't my time and I walked calmly through the chemo process rather than fight it,' she said. 
She endured six months of conventional medical treatment - including chemotherapy and surgery to remove two tumours in her bowel - before beginning to research natural detox treatments online in a bid to complement conventional medicine and bring her body back to full health. 
'I had been to India the year before so I already knew about Ayurveda. I stumbled across Panchakarma, an extreme Ayurvedic detox process. But India is full of detox clinics so it is hard to know which one to go to,' she said.
Eventually she found the Ayurveda Yoga Villa in Wayanad on Trip Advisor and after reading some of the hundreds of reviews knew straightaway it was where she wanted to be.
The cost of a two week stay for one person in a Riverside Herbal Cottage at the retreat is AUD $2863. 
'I wasn't fazed by my prognosis. I just had an inner knowing it wasn't my time and I walked calmly through the chemo process rather than fight it,' she said
Roslyn's treatment consisted of five processes: massage, vomiting therapy, nasal therapy, purgation and enemas
'"You paid how much?" "To do what?" was the reaction from people I told when I described some of the healing practices I was going to do,' Roslyn admitted.
Thirty-two hours of travelling, including a four-hour drive to travel only 137km brought her to the villa.
'The minute you arrive you are greeted with lunch. The whole atmosphere is peaceful and the staff are interested in you. The whole vibe is beautiful and everyone is constantly smiling,' she said.
'One of their big philosophies is, healing happens through love,' she went on.
Once lunch was over it was down to business, which began with writing out a list of all the places she had ever lived and worked, all the emotions experienced in those places, lifelong dietary habits and every ailment.
'"You paid how much?" "To do what?" was the reaction from people I told when I described some of the healing practices I was going to do,' Roslyn admitted
he also spent time in a special steam box and had buttermilk therapy - which is often used in Ayurvedic treatment for digestive disorders
'Ayurvedic Panchakarma healing works on the premise that years of emotional suppressions creates blocks to the body which then create a pathology of disease inside the body,' Roslyn said.
Panchakarma means five actions, so Roslyn's treatment consisted of five processes: massage, vomiting therapy, nasal therapy, purgation and enemas.
She also spent time in a special steam box and had buttermilk therapy - which is often used in Ayurvedic treatment for digestive disorders.
She said each day treatments were preceded with a full body, naked massage that included having warm, fermented liquid made of cow's urine poured all over her.
For the first four days her only meal was warm ghee mixed with 30 herbs designed to bind the toxins so they can then be removed from the cells during the vomiting therapy which was to follow.
'The first few days I made exaggerated facial expressions in response to the foul taste, but I was politely told that doing this showed a lack of gratitude and making negative comments or having negative thoughts sends a signal to the body to reject the healing properties,' Roslyn said.
The cost of a two week stay for one person in a Riverside Herbal Cottage at the retreat is AUD $2863
The cost of a two week stay for one person in a Riverside Herbal Cottage at the retreat is AUD $2863
Roslyn said nothing had prepared her for the vomiting therapy
Day six the vomiting therapy began.
'Of all the procedures in Panchakarma, this is the one no one talks about and nothing could have prepared me for it.
'It began at 5am with a laundry hamper sized bucket placed in front of me while two doctors and two assistants helped me consume nine litres of liquid without stopping, other than to vomit,' she said.
Roslyn said first up was medicated milk followed by a thick black liquorice concoction, and finally salt water.
'By the end of it I have filled the bucket to the brim with vomit and soiled myself and I can't tell the difference between the tears and sweat streaming down my face,' she said.
The following 20 days required a walk to the 'pharmacy' for a twice daily dose of cow's urine boiled with herbs and served hot.
Each day treatments were preceded with a full body, naked massage that included having warm, fermented liquid made of cow's urine poured all over her
'The pharmacy, which looked like a café, was always full and we joked about it being happy hour. Nobody looked happy though. Fortunately, provided anxiety didn't set in, I was able to gulp it down. Others could only manage to sip it down very slowly,' she said.
Roslyn said the purgation therapy involved taking a spoonful of bitter paste, which she vomited up 'within an hour'.
'All the vomiting left me four kilograms lighter, but my body feels stronger than before,' she said
The final four days consisted of enema treatments. 
Roslyn said on her return home she kept up herbal medications to boost her immune system and three months on feels amazing.
'All the vomiting left me four kilograms lighter, but my body feels stronger than before, I have more energy and friends say I am glowing,' she said.
A recent CT scan and laparoscopy has found no trace of the cancer, she said.
'I didn't go to the villa thinking I'd be cured of cancer, but I can't help feeling like it's worked a little magic on me,' Roslyn said.
'The healing philosophies have left me very conscious of the words I speak and wanting to only resonate love within me and around me. 
'If Panchakarma hasn't cured my cancer, at least I'll feel fabulous while I'm dying,' Roslyn said. 

Roslyn has created a blog about her experience. To follow her click here