Monday, February 20, 2017

Your body has its own way of tell you that something is going wrong but you need to realize it

You are the best judge of yourself, if you feel that something is wrong, may be it is something like lack of energy or feeling depressed, pain in the body, for no reasons, maybe you feel that something is really wrong with you.  When you get these feeling on a continuous basis for few days, don’t wait, immediately go and see the doctor, let the doctor diagnose you first and based on the symptoms explained by you, provide the details of the diagnosis, may be you can suggest him to do a high sensitivity test for c-reactive protein, or the hs CRP test, to check if there is inflammation in your body, if the test confirms positive than you are not alone, there are many people out there who only realize something is wrong when they are down with a disease but never go to a doctor when symptoms like these go on repeating day in and day out.  If it is confirmed that it is positive, it indicates that there is inflammation in your body and this happens when the body’s immune system gets fired up and stays fired up over time, in the process as mentioned before it starts attacking the healthy tissue alongside unhealthy tissues.

Over the years, chronic inflammation has become a hot topic and the growing number of researchers now believe that that this condition can cause most serious illness like stroke, diabetes, heart disease, even cancer.   From my experience, yes this is the sure cause of the above disease as well as various other chronic disease for which modern day medical has not been able to find a cure nor are they able to diagnose the cause, yes in some cases, they have found the cause, and yes, off course, like prehistoric times, some of the people who are diagnosed with deadly disease do get cured by the trial and error of modern day medicine but in such cases most of the time the medical science are not able to find out the cause why it got cured hence there is no sure way of saying that it was cured by a particular medicine.  As mentioned earlier, yes, it takes years and years of chronic cellular inflammation to trigger these types of disease and if one observes that the body normally always give you symptoms well before hand which may be subtle, short term, including weight gain, fatigue, aches and pains, indigestion, low grade depression, hair fall, getting angry and various other subtle wakeup call but in these fast moving world, all these symptoms does not register in the scheme of things when there are so many other top priority issues that needs to be looked into and nobody really pauses and thinks why it is happening and remedy the situation when one can, at the initial warning bell itself rather than try to do something at a very late stage. 

Of course, inflammation is required by the body to heal but chronic inflammation means that the body is continuously fighting the fire which shows no sign of subdue which is not a good sign for your health.

Your immune system - review

Your Immune System is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi that can cause minor to serious infections that can even last a life time.  At any point of time, your Immune System is continuously fighting against these organisms that are there in your body, you might not even remember that during your young days you never had so many health issues to take care of or even remember having been in a diseased state except for the occasional bouts of colds and fever.  Having one or two bouts of cold and fever is said to be a good for the body because then the body will prepare the defense mechanism for that particular bacteria or virus that had entered your body and to keep a memory of the same for future defense.

As you grow older, in most of the adults the immune system starts keeping up with age and slowly the immune system performance starts going down.  This can be attributed to various reasons like going on fighting against the various invaders trying to get in the body, various invaders that are already in the body in the intestines, at certain point of time, comes a time, when the immune system is less able to distinguish between self from non-self, that is to identify foreign antigens and as a result starts attacking the body’s good cells and as a result autoimmune disorders become more common as you age.  In fact, there are various reasons why this happens also.  In today’s fast consumer industry, the modern human being does not have the time to eat food in a relaxed way as it used to be earlier, the main cause of which is having food on the go, eating fast, eating of junk food, beverages, wrong combination of food while eating, microwaved food, chemical and fertilizer  laden fruits and vegetables, barbeque food, not exercising, over exercise, not taking in sufficient sun vitamin D, wear and tear of the various parts of the body due to body abuse like drinking alcoholic, having only non-vegetarian food, not drinking sufficient water, stress in modern day life, buried emotions and many others.   Apart from these abuse over a period of time, there are other reasons for the immune systems going down.