Copper Cookware: Copper is an ancient metals. Copper vessels are commonly used for storing
food and water also but a word of caution, use copper cookware only after knowledge
of its many benefits and disadvantages to health. They are good conductors of heat and
distribute heat evenly. However, they
are easily tarnished and are reactive to acid and salt. Copper cookware is prone to coating wears off
rapidly but this can be overcome by cleaning as per given below instructions.
to be taken while using Copper: Eating food
prepared from copper cookware is one of the best provided you do not have any
health issues but food should not be stored continuously in copper cookware
since organic acids from food can interact with it and lead to excessive copper
in the food, which may have adverse effects on health in some cases like those
who are having gastritis and others also.
If at all using Copper cookware, care should be taken to see that if any
adverse effect is noted after eating from foods prepared from copper vessel
like mentioned below, immediately stop preparing and using food cooked in
copper vessel so you need to be aware if symptoms appear after eating food prepared
in copper cookware to immediately guess that you made food in copper vessel and
take remedial measures. Copper reacts with certain food because it is slightly
acidic and could lead to health related issues or even cause poisoning of
food. Therefore, copper vessels should
never be used to store or cook pickles or acidic food. Also, milk and milk products such as butter,
ice creams and curds react very quickly with copper so never store these in
such vessels. Also, never keep honey,
citrus juices, citrus fruits in copper vessels.
Such food after reacting with copper leads to many health problems
related to digestive system such as gastrointestinal infections. One may feel nauseous or experience a stomach
ache after this. Also, some people
complaints of acidic and metallic feeling on the tongue, dizziness and feeling
of frequent thirst. Having excess of
copper may lead to short or long term health issues and you may need a doctor
to overcome these.
Now the question that you will be
asking is if so many health issues can be created with copper why suggest it as
an alternative. There are many reasons,
unlike non-stick cookware, copper is very good for cooking, storing water, only
provided you know how to use it, so only if you know how to use it, you will
derive the benefits out of copper vessel cooking and not harm yourself.