Friday, March 17, 2017

Life style changes is first to change and then others to cure even CANCER

Microwave (cont’d): Microwave, as the name suggests use microwaves.  These microwaves are a form of electromagnetic field (EMF) generated by a magnetron, vibrate at a speed of 2.5 billion times per second and causes water molecules in the food to resonate at a very high frequencies and generate heat which heats or cooks up the food.  Microwave cooking begins in the cells and molecules where water is present.  This energy is transferred into frictional heat and are called thermic effect, added to this are athermic effects which are not measurable but are thought to deform the structures of molecules and thus have qualitative consequences.

Microwave ovens have to meet the safety standards set by the FDA and who do you think provides the information of these safety standards, no one knows, but FDA or any agency who approves the use based on various criteria have to depend on the manufacturers who has to give in writing that it is not harmful and dangerous to the public at large and this is the basis on which such invention even if it is dangerous to the health of the common public are brought into the market, based on the undertaking from the manufacturer, these dangerous inventions are brought into the market for public use.  Once the Microwave is purchased by you, does any of the FDA personnel or the authorizing agency come to your house to check periodically whether there is a radiation leak in the microwave in excess, no one comes to check but it is proved that radiation leak does happen, even the within limit leak is harmful to your health.  The standard also limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven throughout its lifetime of microwave radiation per square centimeter, do you think the microwave maintains this standard, this is food for thought for all of you who are using microwave.  Tests have proved with EMF meter that even brand new microwave emits significant levels of microwave energy otherwise known as radio frequency radiation.  What this means is that when you switch your microwave on these EMFs permeate into your home, traveling through walls, ceiling and you.  In 2011, WHO classified this type of EMF exposure as a class 2B possible carcinogen.


Life style changes is first to change and then others to cure even CANCER

Microwave (cont’d): Many of you would be wondering if this microwave is so harmful there should be some proof and many would refute this saying that there is no proof of it and of course, if microwave were really harmful, our government would never allow them in the market, would they?  Regardless of what the official verdict is we need to stop using microwave if are down with auto immune disease or even cancers as there are research to prove the carcinogen effect of food microwaved.  You and your family need to know that the government or in that case even the industries are not to take care of your health, the manufacturers of microwave are only interested in the profit from the sale and whatever thereafter the use of microwave is none of their concern and all the approvals and rules are formulated so well that nobody can take any action against the government that approves it nor the manufacturers that manufactures it.

Millions of people are ignorantly sacrificing their own health and their family health for the convenience of microwave as they can cook meals in seconds, defrost and ready to eat in a matter of minutes.  In developed nations, more than 95% of homes have microwave used for meal preparation because of energy efficient also, as compared to conventional ovens.  In general, people believe, that whatever a microwave oven does to foods cooked in it doesn’t have any negative effect on either the food or them.  Many will straight away reject this as absurd because where would you be without your microwave, it’s as if without microwave, your life will come to a standstill or will move at a snail pace.

Yes, out there, there are few restaurants or homes that are still without microwave and these are the people who are really educated with knowledge of the dark side of microwave for themselves as well as their families.

You need to know that out there just by removing this microwave from your kitchen does not ensure that you eat a healthy and nutritional diet because in modern world everything that you eat from the morning you wake up to the dusk, you are consuming something or the other through your food and through your nose and skin from the environment but knowing what is good for you and looking for alternative to that will reduce the symptoms of your auto immune disease or even cancer.
