Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Signs that you should be aware of that indicates that your body is inflamed- 1


Red or Itchy Skin: Redness and itching are signs of inflammation.  These symptoms can be caused by allergies or autoimmune disease.  Itchy skins are very common in people with hepatitis but can occur if the liver is inflamed for a variety of different reasons.  So whenever you observe redness and itchiness on your body, you should immediately take an appointment to meet a doctor and diagnose what is the cause with lab test to get to the route of the problem.

Diagnosed Autoimmune Disease: You need to be aware that one of the common feature of all autoimmune disease is excessive inflammation and this is largely responsible for the symptoms common to most autoimmune conditions like pain, fatigue and poor quality sleep.  There are more than 90 different confirmed autoimmune disease, with another 25 or so suspected to be autoimmune in nature and this indicates that autoimmune disease in becoming increasingly common nowadays.  You may not realize that your health problems are autoimmune since nowadays doctors do not disclose most of the information to patients unless they are queried into disclosing.  Once you are diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, apart from taking the medicine prescribed, if you really want to minimize the symptoms associated with autoimmune disease then it is necessary for you to make a lot of sacrifices.  Common examples of autoimmune conditions are psoriasis, most thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus among many.

Allergies or Infections: If you suffer from allergies, you are definitely inflamed.  Allergies tend to produce the most obvious symptoms of inflammation like swelling, redness, running nose, itching and pain.  These symptoms are the associated with your immune response to normally harmless substances such as grass, pollen or foods.  This means that at some point of time, your immune system even considers harmless substances as invaders and get into the attack mode.  Infections are a common cause of inflammation.  Some viruses and bacteria does have the habit of lingering in your body for years chronically stimulating your immune system while also releasing toxins into your bloodstreams.  Examples are herpes viruses, parasitic gut infections, etc.  Chronic infections puts an enormous strain on your immune systems and the liver, therefore it is very important to strengthen your immune system to improve your chances of clearing the infection.

Signs that you should be aware of that indicates that your body is inflamed

You might remember that last time you were bitten by a mosquito or hurt your toe while walking and how your body went into the healing mode and cured you by that acute inflammation.  This is how our body’s immune system should respond and then settle back and relax and only come to the scene of incident when required.  Now you are aware of such acute inflammatory response since it is visible to you and you were also able to take the appropriate treatment.

If you are interested in improving your health, you probably need to know about inflammation.  Nowadays every other health problems is associated with inflammation and it makes sense because at nearly every illness, inflammation is an initiator and driver behind the illness.

Some of the common symptoms of inflammation is

Aches and Pains:  You will know that your body is inflamed if you regularly feel achy in your muscles, joints or all over.  When your immune cells or fat cells produce inflammatory chemicals called cytokines, you normally will feel heightened pain sensitivity and stiffness.  Fibromyalgia and arthritis are classic symptoms of excess inflammation, generalized pain when getting out of bed in the morning is another symptoms, pain in the soles of the feet is another classic sign of inflammation and there are many other classic signs of inflammation which may vary depending on what the issue is with your body.

Fatigue:  Fatigue is one of the typical sign of inflammation, particularly day in and day out you feel fatigued while at work whole day long or continuously.  When your immune cells are continuously busy secreting large volume of inflammatory chemicals or antibodies, fatigue is the natural consequence.  You need to be aware that any health condition that cause inflammation usually results in fatigue.  To understand this, think about the time you had flu, don’t you remember having being so fatigue that you do not want to get out of bed, yes that is the inflammation at play to heal and hence you feel fatigued.

to be cont’d….