Monday, March 13, 2017

Can a person be cured of Multiple Sclerosis – Is Multiple Sclerosis curable? - Healthy and balanced nutritional diet - 1

For all those of you who say they are eating home cooked healthy and balanced nutritional diet, you are correct but are you eating home cooked food devoid of any chemicals that is one of the important question that you need to ask yourself.  I agree that you must be eating home cooked food but if you are only eating what the state dictates, how it is produced, ways it is produced and what the big industries manufacture, who care a less whether anybody eating what are manufactured by them get sick or not as long as there is profit in it for them.  Living in urban life or rural, you can never say that you are eating 100% healthy food in spite of you having your own back yard where you know what produce you are growing and eating only that which is produced in your back yard, then also I would say that you are not 100% into healthy eating and balanced nutritional diet.  Like I said it is not 100% possible to avoid something or the other that is harmful to your body, but that is acceptable, if you can junk at least 90% of those junk food that you are knowingly or unknowingly then you are on your way to healthy lifestyle which helps immensely in body healing providing the balance 10% does not constitute major disease causing chemicals.  You are required to purchase some products or the other from the market, that is the product which has some chemical or the other, or preservatives or coloring which is harmful like the toothpaste, make up, perfume, air freshener and even the morning breakfast starts with some thing or the other which is not healthy for your body like sometimes even the corn flax that you eat in the morning with milk contains corn plus chemicals that are not good for your health but is required by the manufacturers to preserve/and or influence the taste buds, the milk that you drink in the morning, purportedly claim to be good for your health but when it says on the label that it is pasteurized it means that the milk is heated up to 161.6 degree Fahrenheit for 15 seconds known as HTST or flash pasteurization to keep milk fresh for two to three weeks or the UHT process which increases shelf life to up to nine months so from this you can know what you are having, it kills some bacteria and inactivates certain enzymes and reduce certain vitamins like Vitamins so you see what you are having.
