Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Branch of Medicine touted to be a hidden movement and is gaining prominence across the world

Yesterday, I wrote about how medical fraternity or conventional medicine physicians across the globe have come together and formed a branch of medicine called the Functional Medicine.  Though the conventional doctors have touted it as a hidden movement sweeping across the globe and the focus of which will be to find the cause and treat the cause and not the symptoms as is the current scenario all over the world, what all of you do not understand is that this idea has been borrowed from the Alternative Medicines which since centuries back have been only treating the cause and not symptoms unlike modern medicine.  Good to know that at least conventional medicine physicians have come to realize now that they need to forge ahead with the focus on finding the cause for the ailments.  What could be the reason behind such a movement, could it be because conventional medicine physicians are also human being, they too have their family, relatives and friends who are down with incurable disease and cancers, could it be that their near and dear ones have lost their life and till now they were afraid or whatever be the cause, could not forge ahead this idea of finding the cause because they were afraid to stand up against the big pharmaceuticals and FDA and other government authorities, whatever be the reason, it is never too late for those of us who are suffering now.  But borrowing idea from alternative medicine and not giving credit where it is due is not warranted but all the same at least there is a start to alleviate the sufferings of the people and that too when in modern times the autoimmune disease and cancers are increasing by leaps and bonds.  Some of the best alternative medicines since ages have been treating and curing people with the focus only on cause.

This Functional Medicine branch could have been started more than 100 years back, do you think the physicians back then did not know this, the reason why this approach was not taken was only greed, greed and only greed by the big pharmaceuticals and doctors alike who would not allow such an idea to progress since there is no continuous money into their cash box for them if patients are cured.  If you google, you will find that even then many a doctors went against these big pharmaceuticals and FDA and government agencies and did their own treatment and even cured though it was against the law and many were even jailed and stopped from practicing medicine because big pharmaceuticals had FDA and other regulatory agencies under their influence to ensure that no one has a different line of thought of curing the patients and thus minimizing their profits.  Hence now I understand why many pharmaceutical companies do not support the idea of Functional Medicine and whether they will pump in the money required for the research which is need of the hour to ensure that the Functional Medicine approach does not die down for want of funds for research and development. 


Various causes for inflammation in your body - 4

Poor Sleep: When you have poor sleep, means that you have a habit of getting up at night or those with insomnia, the inflammatory cytokines are secreted at a much higher rate in these people than those who have deep sleep and do not get up till morning.  As all of you know that during sleep, the body regenerates and the immune system calms down.  Lack of restorative sleep is a major promoter of inflammation.  So remember that adequate sleep and that too deep sleep is very important and if you do not have deep sleep it means that there is inflammation in your body.

Nutrient Deficiencies: As earlier mentioned your body needs real nutrients and when it does not get real nutrients then there is going to be nutrient deficiencies which normally will have a negative impact on the body.  One of which is vitamin D, though vitamin D is got from sun, a deficiency in getting enough vitamin D can not only result in chronic inflammation but can also cause depression, decreased immunity and a number of different autoimmune disease.  The other is Vitamin B, especially B6 and B12.  If you are not getting enough vitamin b, this can also cause inflammation.
Environment Toxins and Free Radicals: There are also a number of environmental toxins that results in unwarranted inflammation.  From the polluted air to various air fresheners in vehicle and household, household cleaners, plastics that we use on a daily basis, there are many different toxins and free radicals floating around that can quickly lead to inflammation and when you are subjected to these toxins for a long period of time, the end result is chronic inflammation.

You need to remember that many of causes above will have some other cause also, one needs to find the cause of the inflammation and cure it, that is what the alternative medicines should do and does. 

You might be glad to know that off late the medical fraternity or conventional medicine, that too a minuscule proportion of physicians, medical bodies have starting to realize that the need is to locate the cause like all alternative medicines have been doing since ancient times but they are calling it 'functional medicines', so here we go a new branch of medical treatment, old wine in a new bottle. But conventional medicines is where the money comes in ringing for the medical fraternity or conventional and pharmaceuticals, so do not expect the big pharmaceuticals to release their hold so easily. 

Various causes for inflammation in your body - 3

Excess weight of body: Your body needs only food that it can convert into energy.  When you eat more than what your body requires, it will either try to expel it from the body and if that process is hindered due to any reasons,  it will save it somewhere in some form to use it later when in needed hence when you go on binge eating, eating more than required every day, unhealthy food, and if you do not exercise or if you are aging and your metabolism process in the body is reducing, excess will be stored somewhere in the body on a daily basis and the fat cells in your body begins to bulge and when they bulge the fat cells starts sending signal to your immune system for help and naturally the immune system responds to the alarm, by going to that inflamed cells to help slow down the inflammation and cure but remain unsuccessful, thus over time the inflammation can make healthy cells resistant to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar which in turn leads to diabetes.  When you overeating on high sugar, high carb, high fat foods, what you are actually doing is just feeding your inflammation risks.  Studies have also found that inflammation markers tend to be significantly increased just three hours after eating high-glycemic foods like baked potatoes, waffles and others.
