In case of an emergency, I would
strongly suggest that you need to go to modern medicine, whether it is an accident
case or whether it is final stage cancer but in case it is for chemotherapy,
before you go for chemotherapy as a last resort you need to try out alternative
medicine because out there in the world there are some wonderful alternative
medicine doctors who really knows what they are doing, they can even cure
cancer with 0% side effects and most important of all but reaching for
alternative doctors at the 11th hour is not advisable but in any
case if all hopes of cure from modern medicine is gone then you should give it
a try and there have been cases of people being cured from last stage cancer
also but it is rare.
Most of the people particularly in
United States and elsewhere in the world have been tutored by the media, pharmaceuticals,
modern medical doctors who does not want to admit that they have failed and
that there is cure of everything, because human body is such a magnificent
piece of work by God that God has created everything that is required for the
body to get itself well even if modern doctors say that it has reached a point
of no return and even if the modern doctors say that the patient has only a few
days to live but you, most of all should have the faith the it is curable, the
patient should have faith, the patient should be willing to go anywhere to get
cured. Did you know that chemotherapy
kills more people than the cancer itself, this fact if you google, you will
come to know. Slowly people in US and
elsewhere in the world has started to realize that what the FDA and other
agencies and the pharmaceuticals information fed to them is not at all true but
the fact remains that even today they rule, their rules govern the use of
medicine and everything apart from modern medicine is poison but this poison
itself is killing lakhs of people every day, if this does not change than going
forward, the rate of incurable auto immune diseases and even cancers are going
to increase at abnormal speed that we will find only cancer and autoimmune
cases in this world instead of normal human beings.
In my various episodes, from now on
names of those famous vaidya’s or doctors in alternative medicines, even those
who do not have formal educations but whose hands and medicines have got the
gift to heal incurable auto immune disease and even cancers will be disclosed
to you in between the various episodes on health matters and how to take care
of your health, what to do and not to do through life style changes.
You need to know that out there, there
are of every 100 ayurveda or alternative medicine doctors but only 5 doctors out
of 100 has the gift to curing even cancer.