Thursday, March 09, 2017

If you realize that cure of any disease is within your reach, you are on your way to cure yourself

As informed you in my various previous episodes, if you realize that cure of any disease is within your reach and you can cure yours, then only thing left is to make that thought happen and I say it is possible. 

We have been trained through visual messages through TV and newspapers since childhood that there is no cure for autoimmune diseases and that there is no cure for cancers and that research is going on for such and such matters and so on but now you need to realize that if you go on reading and hearing such subliminal messages day in and day out, your subconscious mind is going to accept it at face value and literally make it happen for you.  Moreover, apart from subliminal messages when you go on to face book or other sites for health matters, others who are on the board also keep on mentoring that there is no relief from the medicine, even alternative medicine sucks and no cure at all, a time comes when your subconscious mind starts to believe what is not true just because your conscious mind did not accept it because of these subliminal messages.  So my saying that it is up to you whether you want to cure any incurable disease or not.  Many a people have cured themselves of so many disease but let me tell you it is not an easy task, you may have to spend a lot of money, you may have to focus on your cure, you may have to abstain from most delicious food and finally you may have to sacrifice a lot before you can gain back your health.


Role of Oxygen in human body and the basis for life – 5

Asthma - Asthma is a long-term, inflammatory lung disease that causes airways to tighten and narrow when a person with such inflammatory condition comes into contact with irritants such as dust, cigarette smoke, or chemicals.  Asthma can be life threatening too in some cases.

Bronchitis - Although bronchitis doesn't affect most teens, it can affect those who smoke continuously.  In bronchitis, normally the membranes lining the larger bronchial tubes become inflamed and an excessive amount of mucus is produced, so if an excess amount of mucus is produced, it is indicative but should be confirmed with a lab test.  The person with bronchitis develops a bad cough to get rid of the mucus but this is not in all the cases.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) - is an inherited disease affecting the lungs.  Cystic fibrosis causes the mucus in the body to be abnormally thick and sticky.  This mucus that is thick and sticky can clog the passage airways in the lungs and make the affected person more likely to get bacterial infections.

Pneumonia - Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, which usually occurs because of infection by a bacteria or virus.  Pneumonia will cause fever, inflammation of lung tissue, and makes breathing difficult because the lungs have to work harder to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream and remove carbon dioxide from the blood, it will be strenuous task for your body to perform when you have pneumonia.  Common causes of pneumonia are influenza and infection with the bacterium Streptococcus Pneumoniae.

Although some of these respiratory diseases like asthma or cystic fibrosis can't be prevented, but you can prevent many of the chronic lung and respiratory illnesses by avoiding to smoke, staying away from pollutants and irritants, washing your hands often to avoid infection, and getting regular medical checkups.

Role of Oxygen in human body and the basis for life – 4

As you know how the hemoglobin picks up the oxygen.  Now in the tiny capillaries of the body tissues, oxygen is freed from the hemoglobin and this oxygen moves into the cells.  Carbon dioxide which is thus produced during the process of diffusion moves out of these cells into the capillaries where most of it is dissolved in the plasma of the blood and the blood that is rich in carbon dioxide then returns to the heart via the veins.  From the heart, the blood is pumped to the lungs where carbon dioxide passes into the alveoli to be exhaled.

Many factors – including genetics, pollutants and irritants, and infectious disease – can affect the health of your lungs and respiratory system and cause respiratory problems.  Problems of the respiratory system that can affect people include:

Common cold. Colds are caused by over 200 different viruses that cause inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. One of the most common respiratory infections that are easy to infect a human body is the common cold. Symptoms of common cold may include a mild fever, cough, headache, runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat among other symptoms.

Cough. A cough is a symptom of an illness, not an illness itself, an advice information to human being that something is wrong. There are many different types of cough and many different causes to it, ranging from not-so-serious to life threatening. Some of the more common causes affecting kids and teens are the common cold, asthma, sinusitis, seasonal allergies, and pneumonia.
