Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Cause of illness and autoimmune disease and cancer - Never use Aluminum Cookware

6-Never Use Aluminium Cookware: They say too many cooks spoil the broth but bad choice of cookware will harm your health, your family health, your friends and neighbors health, nobody knowing wants this so choosing your cookware, you need to know the pros and cons of each cookware that you are using continually for your cooking.  Cast-iron is the favorite choice one should make but that requires special care for bringing the best in them but at any cost I would say never use aluminum in your kitchen though it is one of the favorite choice.  Aluminum in food is dangerous for health because it can inhibit absorption of important minerals like iron and calcium.  Also avoid storing acidic food such as tea, tomato puree in aluminum pots since leaching of aluminum in food creates chemical reactions and the same if eaten is dangerous to your health.  You need to know that Acid degrades the aluminum cookware and it can leach into the food, consumption of large amount of aluminum on a daily basis is surely going to cause your body ill health.  The body derives no benefits from aluminum, which if ingested or absorbed through the skin or mouth can cause lung damage if large amounts are inhaled and it is considered as a neurotoxin.  Furthermore, in today so called modern era, where money is the main focus behind every invention, the quality of all the cookware has gone down so drastically to the extent that even one use can be very harmful to your body.  Though human being consumes some amount of aluminum but it is so minimal that it does not harm the healthy and those of you who are ill, it creates problem but one can never pinpoint the cause to aluminum and most of the time it is excreted through the urine.

You need to know that aluminum cookware can be very harmful.  The reason is the fact that aluminum readily reacts with oxygen present in the atmosphere and produces aluminum oxide and when these aluminum oxide enters our body, it can seriously affect the brain, affect neurons and cause dementia.  It can also result in kidney and renal failure.  Aluminum also neutralized the vitamins and minerals present in the food.  So such cookware can be one of the cause for auto immune disease which is incurable and leads to cancer, that is why the cause to any disease in this world can never be found accurately since almost everything modern has 90% side effects which are very harmful to your body but the positives of it make us take the risks.


Here are many reasons why drinking water from a copper vessel is beneficial for your health.

5-Using Copper Cookware:

Helps the digestive system perform better – Acidity, gas or simply the inability to digest certain foods is common and here it is where copper comes to your rescue.  Copper has such properties which stimulate peristalsis (the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the stomach which helps food get digested and help move along the digestive tract) kill harmful bacteria in the gut and reduce inflammation in the stomach, making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections.

Copper helps cleanse and detox your stomach immensely and also regulate the working of your liver and kidneys, and proper elimination of waste and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food.  If you want to detox your stomach, drink a large glass of water that has been stored in a copper vessel, early in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 to 5 days then stop for 1 week and then continue.  Never continue taking copper vessel water continuously. 

Copper is known for its immense anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, copper is a great tool for healing wounds quickly.  Apart from that, copper is also know to strengthen your immune system and aid in the production of new cells and its healing properties don’t just cease with helping the body externally but it also know to help wounds within the body, especially the stomach.

Worried about appearance of fine lines on your face, copper is your natural remedy.  Packed with strong anti-oxidant and cell forming properties, copper fights off free radicals, one of the main reasons for the formation of fine lines in old age.  Copper also helps in the production of new and healthy skin cells so as to replace old dying ones.  Both these properties make copper a sure fire way to beat fine lines.

Word of caution while using Copper: Copper is not innately utilized by our body, that’s why too much of this metal can be detrimental to your health.  According to the FDA, about 12 mg/day is more than sufficient for your body to use without causing any harm and those who are already having other ailments should be very careful and should avoid using Copper.  Those of you without health issues who would like to use copper cup should not over do


Do you really want to get healthy - Using Copper Cookware

5-Using Copper Cookware: Drinking water from a copper cup is said to purify the blood and remove toxins from the body and also has numerous health benefits but only if you know how to use a Copper cup otherwise please do not use it.  The copper cup should be washed regularly otherwise it can prove to be harmful.  Before using a copper cup or glass one must ensure that it is properly cleaned as per direction below.  The water or food from unwashed copper vessels causes stomach ailments, hence if you are using copper vessel for preparing food and storing water for drinking proper care should be taken without fail otherwise please do not use copper vessels or cookware.  In India, according to Ayurveda, water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in the body (vata, kapha and pitta) and it does so by positively charging the water.  When all these 3 doshas are in sync, you do not have any disease whatsoever.  The water should be stored in a copper vessel for at least 8 hours.  Here are tips to store drinking water the right way.  When water is stored in a copper vessel, the copper gently leaches into the water and lends it all its positive properties which is beneficial to health.  Drinking water stored in copper vessel should be limited to 1 cup once or twice a day not more than this, since 2 cups of water will provide the benefits required by the body and only those who do not have any health issues should drink it.  Also, do not drink water stored in copper vessel continuously, you need to give a break of a week before you continue drinking again from copper vessel after 1 week.  The best part about this water is it never becomes stale and can be stored this way for long periods of time.

How to wash Copper Cookware: With copper cookware, care should be take how you wash the cookware so that you reap the benefits of using copper cookware and not cause harmful side effects to you.  Do not use a hard scrub to wash the inside of the vessel as it will tend to scrape away copper from the Vessel?  Use one half of a lemon and rub it on the inside of the vessel.  Allow it to stand for a few minutes and then wash off with plain water.  Alternative to this is using baking soda with water.  Use this mixture to coat the inside of the vessel and allow it to stand for a few minutes and rinse away the excess baking soda.  One another alternative is to wash regularly with a paste made out of salt and tamarind.  Never use the normal washing power available in the market.

Never, never refrigerate the water stored in Copper Vessel