Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Anything is possible, provide you believe it is possible, provided you go to a alternative doctor who knows his job very well.

Let me narrate to you a true story of a couple, the husband had a very low sperm count.  They consulted a Fertility Specialist who said that the husband had a very low count of sperms and if they wanted to have children they will have to use donor sperm, donor embryo, adopt, be childless or the only last option is to do Testicular / Epididymal Sperm Aspiration or Extraction(TESE).

TESE was the newest of the aspiration techniques in testicular sperm retrieval.  In this procedure, a small amount of testis tissue is taken by biopsy under local anesthesia.  It is a breakthrough in that it demonstrates that sperm do not have to be ‘matured’ and pass through the epididymis in order to fertilize an egg, because of their immaturity, testicular sperm needs Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).  Men with poor sperm production go for such procedures.  Though pregnancies are now routine in cases of poor sperm production, but there is some concern with the use of such sperms because in most cases the underlying condition causing the poor sperm production cannot be investigated on case to case basis.  Also, the main worry is that the condition which may be causing the infertility, may be transmitted to the progeny and this worry is in fact a reality as my future blog will put light on these too.

Coming back to the case of the husband and wife mentioned above.  As no other alternative was there and they only wanted a child from their bloodline, they decided to go for the TESE ICSI Option unfortunately the TESE ICSI option failed them.  From the TESE, they were unable to find even one sperm and the couple were back to square one or the other options of donor sperm, donor embryo, adopt or be childless.

Around that time, one of their friends suggested to them about going for Ayurveda medical treatment from a reputed and well known Ayurveda Vaidya (Doctor) and they decided to try out the treatment after assurance that semen count and quality can be improved through Ayurveda medical treatment.  The husband started on the treatment for more than 1 year, he also followed the diet that was restricted for him, he had to follow the diet without fail, then they decided again to go for the ICSI treatment using the husband’s sperm and this time they got successful.  As you can see, they had no hope and Ayurveda was their last hope but in fact it should have been their first hope, if it had been they would have been blessed with their own biological child years ago.  As you can see they chose to believe in Ayurveda against all advice from majority others.  Their choice of that particular Ayurved Vaidya(Doctor) was in their favour and that Vaidya who know what he was doing unlike 95% of those who do not know what they are doing and thus give a bad name to Ayurved Doctors as a whole.  Also note that it took time.  Yes, all illness can be cured provided you have the time, money and the desire to get well. 

So believe it, out there, there are lots of alternative medicine branches which will bring back your health even if it has reached the cancer stage.