Monday, February 27, 2017

Various causes for inflammation in your body - 2

Real Nutrients:  You have to realize that when you are down with chronic inflammation, it means that one of the cause could also be because our body is starving for want of real nutrients.  Yes, you may be eating a lot of food which you think is good but as mentioned, most of those what you eat contains if it contains preservatives, added color, and chemicals, carcinogens it provide no real nutrients but only harm your body, so real nutrients is what you require to keep away chronic inflammation and that can be obtained only from organic food from fresh and leafy vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds, healthy fats like avocado, coconut, olive oil, grass-fed meets, wild-caught fish, sprouted grains, goji berries, raw honey and quinoa apart from many other organic food.  Even the milk that you think is healthy is not at all healthy when it is pasteurized and homogenized(I will come to this subject in a later episode), if you are drinking milk it should be from grass-fed cow which is very healthy.  You are not giving your body these food which it yearns. 

We need to avoid white bread, processed food, conventional dairy products, processed drinks and sodas, fried foods, fast food, wheat products, starchy product made from corn or potatoes, refined sugary foods, processed meat, barbeque meat, pork and go for organic foods mentioned above, and then see the difference in your health, do not expect the difference in 1 or 2 weeks after continuous organic food, it will take months to get in the feel good, look good mood and for you to enjoy vibrant health.  So you have to give your body real food with real nutrients, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals.

So like I said if you eat processed food, at the time of eating your taste buds will like it very much and want more, and that is only due to the added chemical flavors and colors added to it, and your body has no option but to accept it but then it cannot do much.  You will not notice the negative symptoms right away, negative symptoms will be known only after a long time, your body in the beginning will try its best to absorb whatever nutrients is there in the processed food which is next to nothing at the same time you body’s immune system will be fighting the foreign substance in the processed unhealthy food, assuming it to be foreign invaders and thus body suffers, inflammation starts to set in, as you go on eating such unhealthy food, the, the inflammation becomes chronic and then starts the cycle which finally ends in autoimmune diseases and in many cases cancer.