Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Lung Cancer cured after tryst with Chemotherapy failed but with only Nature's treatment - Believe it or not

The Story of a Kottayam man who stoped Chemotherapy and took nature's course to cure cancer.  What scientific proof laden conventional medicine couldn't do, was cured by a alternative medicine - Its up to you to believe with you can be cured or not and to achieve it first you need to close your mind if wrong information passed on to you by reputed pharmaceuticals and medicals that there is no cure for any cancer and think out of the box and go for alternative treatments, at least try it before you decide that only Convential Medinces can cure or treat cancer, here in this case what conventional medicine could not do, was done by alternative medicine but still out there there, out of 100 people, 98 will depending on conventional medicine instead of opting or even trying out alternative medicines that cures.

Read complete healing and more at: http://english.manoramaonline.com/wellness/health/2017/07/31/this-kottayam-man-took-the-nature-s-course-to-cure-cancer.html

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