Monday, April 17, 2017

Modern science based doctor will close the doors on you if you are at the last stage cancer but alternative will try to relieve your suffering and even cure you

Remember Western health professional or as they are called nowadays conventional “traditional” doctors treatment will cost in the range of tens of thousands of dollars and still out of ten, 7 to 8 patients will be told that they have done everything that is possible within the realms of protocols of the treatment and that there is nothing that can be done for the patient but only pray and this is what should be avoided at any cost.  I think one should never take hope away from the patient, as long as there is hope, there is cure.  We cannot blame the Western health professional because what they have been taught is what they are going to do, nothing else and even if a patient who have been told by them that he/she has just a few months left to live but lives more than a year and then come back to them, they tend to disbelieve that patient if the patient informs that he/she has taken alternative treatment and life got extended.  I have even come across many a traditional doctors who in some parts of the world, if their loved one is afflicted with cancer, will rather take that loved one to an alternative practitioner than allow to go through chemotherapy.

Cancer is the deadliest disease which has killed innumerable innocents and continues to kill with more intensity as years goes by because MNCs who bring out food products are leaching harmful substances into food which when eaten continuously ensure that you end up as a cancer patient.  Even celebrity like Steve Jobs couldn’t be saved from Cancer but he and many other celebrity and common man could have been saved from cancer deaths provided they had taken the big leap.  Just having tons of money is not enough to cure cancer, you also need the knowledge, if you have money as well as knowledge as well as willing to take a chance then out there in the world there are some natural healers who can cure you of even cancer.  What happens is that those who have money or celebrity either do not have the right contacts who could direct them to a really gifted healer or they reach the gifted healer at the last stage and finally when he dies, the blame falls on the natural healer because he/she was under treatment with natural healer during the time of his/her death and then comes the media trial which is controlled by big pharmaceuticals and MNCs which blames the death on the natural healer and when an celebrity dies, all the more negative news.  Now the funny part is that when celebrity dies after taking treatment through modern conventional chemotherapy, there is no media trial and it is assumed that everything scientifically possible was done and this is where everything is wrong.  Nobody points out why he had to die when he was under treatment from scientifically approved treatment.