Saturday, March 18, 2017

Life style changes is first to change and then others to cure CANCER

Microwave (cont’d): Like said few people realize that Microwaves in Microwave Oven does not stay within the Microwave Oven.  Tests with EMF meter has shown that even brand new microwave ovens emit significant level of microwave energy otherwise known as non-thermal radiation causing adverse health effects i.e. electromagnetic hypersensitivity.   Microwaves radiation permeate into your home traveling through walls, ceilings and you.  In 2011, the WHO has officially classified this type of radiation exposure from Microwave included as a class 2B possible carcinogen and recently an open letter has been addressed to WHO projected the adverse health effects be recognized since humans world over currently are living in a sea of electromagnetic radiofrequencies, some of which are not recognized for the health harm they cause and it is the WHO along with eminent people from all walks of life who has no affiliation, that has to decide in setting the standards instead of the industry-run Working Group, who has their own agenda in setting the thermal standards for Specific Absorption Rates and other parameters regarding Microwave technologies and safe human exposures and they deliberately prevent non-thermal radiation wave adverse effects from being formally recognized.

It’s confirmed that exposures to microwave radiation has been firmly linked to leukemia and hence it is not surprising that magnetic fields have also been categorized as carcinogenic.

The World Health Organization working group is expected to meet in 2017 to re-asses the evaluation of health effects from radiofrequency radiation including Microwave but it’s long overdue that since may people have already contracted incurable disease over long term usage of Microwave.

So go for conventional heating of food is the best for the health of you, your family and friends and it very good and different, much more gentler process altogether where heat is transferred from convention from the outside to the inside.
