Saturday, March 04, 2017

Cure is possible for any disease, be it autoimmune disease or even cancer, provided you have the will and determination to cure the illness at whatever cost it may be - 2

Continuing from yesterday’s episode, the reality is though we need to take conventional modern medicine to keep our symptoms under control, if the pain and sufferings are too much but at the same time we need to find the cause and cure it and we have options of weaning away from such conventional modern medicine why relieve only the symptoms and like I said symptoms is only the way of your body to tell you that something is wrong, you need to take action and that too immediately.  Now what you did here is using conventional modern medicine you relieved the symptoms but what the body was trying to tell you is that the there is a cause to it and you should cure the cause.  So you took the conventional medicine and got relief but have you ever wondered now what, now your body has to show you other symptoms to make you aware that you need to cure the cause and what does the modern conventional medicine do, it only aggravated the situation to cause a far severe health problem in the future, thus after some time, some other issue crops up in your body for which again you have to go to the doctor and this cycle continues.

From the above, you can understand that conventional modern medicine does not want to cure the cause but are only interested in symptoms treatment. Why do you think the big pharmaceuticals and mainstream medicine are not focusing on the cause to bring a cure, because the main aim is to generate money, money and only money and they know that for generation to generation they have already trained your mind to a certain way of thinking that is modern conventional medicine is the way to go and it is the only scientific researched way of treating an illness, and there is no other way to it, these pattern of thinking has been ingrained in our mind to such an extent that even the thought of thinking that there is cure for auto immune disease or cancer is an unthinkable and propagated by uneducated people but fact proves time and against that this is incorrect.
