Friday, March 24, 2017

Cause of illness and autoimmune disease and cancer – Use Glass Containers, Use Bamboo and Wooden Cutting Board and never use Plastic Cutting Boards:

10-Use Glass Containers: For storing pulses, sugar and other daily use items in the kitchen it is best to use good quality glass food container.  Though many households may not prefer since if it falls on the floor, it breaks, moreover it is heavy and prone to slippage while handling but this is the best storage purpose material in modern day and is very free from harmful interaction with the stored items in it, like plastics it does not chemically combine to create toxic substances which is harmful to your health.  So go for it since Glass containers are considered the safest options.

11-Never use Plastic Cutting Boards: Although there is some debate on which types of cutting and there is debates on which type of cutting boards are better and more hygienic, you need to remember that plastic cutting boards are not the safest since after the slicing and dicing work is done on a plastic board you will inevitable see little cuts and nicks across the surface.  These plastic cracks and crevices just happen to be perfect home for dangerous bacteria.  Those ridges your knife leaves collects with bacteria and with plastics one would think that you can just wipe out the plastic board and the bacteria would also be wiped out but bacteria like E. coli and salmonella are going to stick to the plastic more so than wood or bamboo.  Another factor about plastic is as mentioned in earlier episode, it contains BPA.  You must be knowing that bits of plastic comes out when the knife scratches on the board while cutting, that bits of plastics has to go somewhere and it is in your food that those bits of plastic goes and so if you are using plastic board, you are consuming bits of plastics also.

12-Always use Bamboo and Wood Cutting Board: The best wooden cutting boards are made from bamboo, but any wood board is still better than plastic and have natural anti-bacterial properties.  Although the knife cuts on these boards still provide a place for bacteria to hide, once the bacteria goes down into the crevice they die of slowly.  See to it that a high premium quality bamboo and non-toxic formaldehyde free food grade glue to ensure that the utmost safety.