Yes, Multiple Sclerosis is curable and
don’t expect the conventional doctors to cure you of Multiple Sclerosis, yes,
like I said first you need to remove everything that is chemical laden from
your food, in fact everything that you eat in today’s modern world contains some
chemicals even though it is in minute quantity that is foreign to your body and
dangerous in the long run even though it might have been approved by the FDA or
in that case any governing body of any country.
You can beat the system to its own game by doing what is good for your
body and for your family because out there nobody is bothered whether you will
make it to see another day or not as long as their cash box are churning in
money for them through various chemical laden food/medicine/conventional
treatment but if you are serious and there is a will and determination, you can
cure Multiple Sclerosis or any other disease or even cancer, don’t go looking
for curing the symptoms, if you are going out there looking for curing the
symptoms you are doing a great injustice to body and at the same to passing on
wrong information to others who believe what they see and hear. Yes, cure is in your hands and you need to
have the will and determination to get cured.
So healthy and nutritional diet is the start of it but you will need the
help of alternative treatment, at some time or other. Also, you need not stop the conventional
medicine immediately, you need to slowly wane away from the conventional under
advice from your alternative medicine doctor.
Note: Under no circumstances should you stop conventional medicine
immediately. So now itself if you really
want to get well, follow eating healthy and nutritional diet irrespective of
your knowledge as to its content, preferably go for organic, otherwise just
ignore this page and go looking for temporary solutions of alleviating the
symptoms of the disease.