Sunday, February 26, 2017

Genetically modified ‘Arctic’ apples that never go brown hitting supermarket shelves in US – No, this does not gel well for our health

Before we continue on to the subject of inflammation, let me tell you that we do not have control over what are made in this world by others, take for example the case of ‘genetically modified Arctic apples’ that is in the news recently and in the markets in US that does not go brown because it has been genetically modified but what you need to realize is does it gel good for our health at large, with cases of cancer patients going up by leaps and bond by the usage of such genetically modified food in the past and still being used by the population.  We need to remember though we cannot control the production of such genetically modified apples, it is up to us whether to eat it or not provided, the producer of such genetically modified apples do not try to use the law of the land to hide fact by not disclosing that it is genetically modified apples so that those of us who want to avoid such GM Food can take an informed decision.

God made human and also provided for humans all the things that humans require, fruits from trees, fish from seas and so on so it is very clear to understand why there is a need for genetically modified apples or in that case any other GM modified food except for profit, profit and only profit and in this the government agency are also normally involved and in spite of the opposition from many a quarters, the power vested on the respective agency, in this case the US Department of Agriculture is the cause for such unhealthy food entering the market and playing with human life, the effect of eating such genetically modified apple might not be known immediately but over the months and years and what these producers are taking advantage of is that no proof can be put on record that the cause of your cancer is due to eating such and such fruit or food over the years.

The US Department of Agriculture ruled, in February, 2015, that the apple posed no significant health and environmental risks but what we need to ask is on what basis they have ruled that they do not have proof that there is no significant health risk, this and other questions that are given below needs to be answered to the satisfaction of majority of the population who should decided not the elected representative, and all those people out there with auto immune and others with incurable disease should strongly take this up with all their respective Governments in the world, because it is not only US that is going this way but all those elected Government agency with the help of greedy people out there who want to mint profit out of the sufferings of the people and this is a worldwide scenario.

Questions that you need to ask is:
Can they provide proof that can be investigated and irrefutable that after repeated eating this genetically modified apple daily, still the person is free from any disease.
Have they done test on human who have eaten this genetically modified apple continuously daily for more than 1 to 5 year?
Was the human on whom this test been done, free of any disease, common cold, inflammation, etc,prior to this test.  Is there proof of this?

I doubt whether they will provide the above 3 proof.  The day we realize that we need to go back to the basics, you will know that illness or even cancer is nothing but human made.